The sequel to the acclaimed Dragon's Dogma has managed to reach a massive audience, surpassing all the records set by Capcom. The action RPG that bases its gameplay on the recruitment of various “pawns” has managed to captivate the masses, reaching up to 3 million units sold just a couple of months after having officially launched Dragon's Dogma 2.
Since its launch in March 2024, users have shared various opinions about the game, which initially caused a stir due to excessive microtransactions. And on launch day Capcom released an extensive list of additional content that imposed annoying paywalls for things as simple as fast travel around the map in an open world. These practices bothered fans a lot.who not only highlighted this error on the part of the developer, but also commented on the lack of optimization of the game on PC.
Dragon's Dogma 2 exceeds 3 million units sold in 2 months
Luckily, Capcom has been able to listen to players' complaints and recommendations. Following the feedback produced by users, Dragon's Dogma 2 received a huge post-launch update which included significant improvements to the game's stability and balance. Some of the elements that were affected were the draconic plague and the behavior of the pawns, who seemed to have little intelligence.
Due to the success that Dragons's Dogma 2 has represented for Capcom, they are already considering making new heavyweight content such as the Dark Arisen expansion, a DLC that perfectly complemented the first installment of the franchise. Expansions of this caliber are no strangers to Capcomgiven that other renowned titles such as Monster Hunter receive great DLC shortly after being released with the aim of keeping their players interested in the franchise with quality content.
Capcom would be preparing a new remake of the first Resident Evil for the next anniversary of the franchise
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The future of the Dragon's Dogma franchise looks bright, but also we can expect big releases from other Capcom franchises such as new remakes of Resident Evil and, sooner rather than later, the continuation of the star franchise about hunting giant monsters: Monster Hunter Wilds, an installment that will take us to explore an open world full of dangers and mysteries that we love so much. the hunters.