Rockstar Games, responsible for Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption (among others), are capable of delivering wonders and keeping many of their fans indignant for years. There are quite a few PC users who have been waiting for the arrival of the first installment of the western for more than a decade.
Console users were able to enjoy Red Dead Redemption + Undead Nightmare for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch in 2023, a pack that was a port with some improvements, despite rumors pointing to a remaster or remake that would also be coming to PC. The latter was not included in the plans for this version… until now. Or so it seems.
In Vida Extra
I've gone back to Diablo IV with the idea of trying new things and I've ended up doing exactly the same thing as always
Looking at the description for the PlayStation Store version of Red Dead Redemption, the description reads as follows: “Experience the epic Western adventures that defined a generation, now available on PC for the first time.” Is this a mistake, or is the announcement of its arrival on PC imminent?
Rockstar Games has not commented as of the time of publishing this news. We do not know if this is a mistake or if it is truly Red Dead Redemption is about to arrive on PC. It's best not to take anything for granted until those responsible for it speak out about it. In any case, it's hard to believe… especially considering that not even Red Dead Redemption 2 has a version for the current generation of consoles, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
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