Steam players still have a new chance to claim a permanently free game
Steam has returned to its usual course in relation to free promotions for a limited time. One of them ends today, so there are very few hours left to take advantage of it, in the same way that happens with others that are currently active in parallel to the free to play catalog on the Valve platform. In this sense, another of them is also on the verge of disappearance in the digital store, so you better hurry up to take advantage of it.
This is what allows get Endless Legend completely free through Steam until the next May 23 at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time), at which point it will return to its usual price on the platform. As is usually the case with this type of promotions, Once you claim it, it will permanently join your catalog of proposals in the digital store and you can play it any time you want.
Claim Endless Legend FREE on Steam
Endless Legend, free on Steam for a limited time
Another dawn, another day of effort. We must grow food, build industries, advance science and magic and create wealth. And all this is urgent, since your planet has a history of inexplicable apocalypses and the winter you just survived was the worst in living memory. A fact that has been repeated in the previous five. As you delve deeper into the lost secrets of your world and the mysteries of legends and ruins that exist in both reality and imagination, you will discover that you are not alone. Other peoples long to survive, grow and, perhaps, conquer.
Claim Endless Legend FREE on Steam
Therefore, do not hesitate to redeem this very special promotion for all Steam players and be able to get Endless Legend without paying a single cent for it. You will have to do it before tomorrow, May 23, at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time)at which point the offer will come to an end, although there are still other active promotions that you can take advantage of.
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