In an unexpected move, Marvel is creating its new Thanos, but it may be a mistake.
The Marvel comic universe is made up of hundreds of villains who have their own aspirations and origins. In some cases, their motivations are selfish and generic, but also there are some characters that manage to make readers empathizein a way, with his cause, as was the case with Thanos and his plan to bring balance to the cosmos and reduce the inhabitants by half.
Thanos has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, especially after his appearance in the Infinity Saga of the MCU. During his time on the screen, it has been possible to learn more about the Crazy Titan, since he considered that he had the mission of bringing balance to the universe. And, beyond this, it is necessary to recognize the great charisma of this character, which has become a benchmark for comparison.
In the comics, it has been observed that Marvel is creating its new Thanos and you will probably be surprised, since he is quite a popular character and with his own trajectory. Next, we will tell you the details, but you should know that this post contains spoilers for Thor comic #31.
Who is the new Thanos that Marvel is building in the comics?
As we have mentioned, Thanos is a villain who has earned recognition and empathy of fans due to his motivations and charisma. Also, now that he’s gone, it’s understandable that Marvel wants to build a new version of the character, but through another. Although, the villain they have chosen may not have been the best choice.
To understand what is happening, it is necessary to look at Thor comic #31, created by Torunn Grønbekk, Donny Cates, Matt Wilson and Nic Klein. In this story, we can see Jane Foster and Thor’s journey through Asgard, because when they have reached Valhalla, they realize that it is empty. This is a strange situation for the protagonists, so they make the decision to visit the kingdom of the dead, Hel to talk with the Goddess in charge.
However, when they arrive at this place, they also discover that Hela, the Goddess of the Dead, does not appear anywhere. And, right at the end of this volume, it can be seen that The person responsible for all this is Doctor Doomwhich suggests that Marvel plans to make him the new Thanos.
And this theory makes sense, because if you go back to the previous comic, you can see that the Doctor Doom is in search of the seventh Infinity Stone, which has been created by Thor’s grandfather, Bor. In this situation, it is necessary to recognize the parallelism, since Thanos was also looking for her in the past.
But the similarities do not end there, since, if you are a fan of Thanos, you will remember that the Mad Titan has shown a special interest towards the entity of Death, coming to do things for her to win her over. And something similar has also happened with Doctor Doom, who has shared with Hela, the Goddess of the Dead, a speech about the end of the world and the purpose of his plans. This denotes that he also has some interest in this character related to death.
Marvel may be making a mistake by turning Doom into the new Thanos
Doctor Doom is a character who has been in the Marvel universe for many years. Furthermore, throughout his history, this and its variants have starred in a lot of comics involving his evil plans to become the absolute ruler.
Both in terms of motivations and personality and characteristics, Doctor Doom is an interesting villain on his own and that he doesn’t need to be in Thanos’ shadow. That is why it is possible that Marvel is making a mistake by trying to turn it into a kind of new version of the Mad Titan. In fact, if we do some quick comparison, we can conclude that Doom has achieved many more milestones in comparison, although they have also been pitted against each other to see who is stronger.