All of you have been or are still students, so you may have experienced the situation in which I currently find myself or may be waiting for you. The end of school is coming and I have to decide what to do next in my life. It's time to start looking for a proper job. Well, what if I don't like it? And what do I actually want to do? These questions have been swirling around in my head for some time. Maybe I found an answer to them, at least partially.
I recently came across two articles from The Guardian. They talk about people who they were inspired by games when choosing their careers. For example, Ginny Wo, like me, hated thinking about what she was going to do after school. But that changed when she discovered the game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Theatrical prosecutors and the opportunity to shout “objection” enchanted her so much that she did so at the first opportunity to study law. After ten years became a lawyer herself and the hustle and bustle of the courtroom is actually even better, she says.
Nick Culligan wanted to boycott Call of Duty as a 13-year-old and he bought a truce Battlefield 3. In a group of classmates, he got the role of Assault, or medic. Although he can fight, his main role is to keep his comrades alive. Well, when later it came to deciding on further study, he decided to become a paramedic with qualifications for battlefield work.
Games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, Assassin's Creed and Construction Simulator. Even former Manchester United striker he was inspired Football Manager and after his playing career ended he began a career as a manager, with the game said to have helped him prepare for the role.
So the plan is clear: I will choose the direction of my life based on the experience of the games. But where to start? Unfortunately, I can't be a futuristic immortal warrior or a cowboy in the wild west. So I reach for a genre that should reflect real life as faithfully as possible. After games so authentic that they are also used as training aids for new employees. Yes, it's time to play the simulators.