Street Fighter 6, the recent installment of the popular fighting saga, wants to share that affection of the players through a collaboration with Exoprimal. This has been decided by Capcom, owner of both IP’s, a developer which is on the crest of the wave in terms of popularity and quality, boasting games as well received as Resident Evil 4 and Monster Hunter Rise.
In the last video uploaded a few hours ago on the official Capcom USA account, you can see how they wanted to emulate one of the first trailers seen for Street Fighter 6, with Ryu warming up for his next staging, which would be a combat. There is a noticeable difference, and it is that the most iconic character of Street Fighter looks like an androidwith cybernetic enhancements, prepared to deal with the ills of this new world.
Street Fighter 6 puts Capcom’s new IP on its shoulders through a collaboration with Exoprimal
In this new promotional video, the artificial intelligence Leviathan welcomes Ryu to Bikitoa Island. We see that, despite having a powerful arsenal of futuristic weapons, the seasoned fighter does not forget his martial fighting techniques, and he will use them when fighting the various evils that afflict the area. in this adventure Guile will accompany youwhom we only saw landing in the thicket of the island.
Although the quality of Exoprimal can be overwhelming, it is also true that it always costs a new IP to be as successful as one would like. Capcom has enough iconic franchises to support their next big release, and they prove it at the end of the video, making sure we don’t forget to take a look at their more expensive editions.
Exoprimal thanks the support for the open beta and tells about the present and future of the game
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Given the great wave of great Capcom games just this year, with Resident Evil 4 and the most recent Street Fighter 6, it is surprising to see how Exoprimal is just weeks away from reaching the main video game platforms. Its release is expected to be this july 14, coming to Xbox One, Series X | S and PC. Of course, it’s never mentioned enough times that Exoprimal will be available day one on Game Pass on PC, console, and cloud.