There are very few days left for the premiere of Alien: RomulusThe new installment of the successful horror and science fiction saga, created by Ridley Scott more than three decades ago, aims to become one of the big surprises of the year. To achieve this, Fede Álvarez has followed a key piece of advice from the legendary filmmaker since the first day of filming.
Through a post on his personal Instagram account, the Uruguayan director shared the note that Ridley Scott left on his desk at the beginning of production. This clear and concise message was not only effective, but also quite funny.
“Dear Fede, good luck, good health, good hunting, don't screw up and do the best you can. I wish you the best of luck, Ridley,” Scott wrote. Judging by first impressions, it seems that Alvarez more than fulfilled his mission of reviving the saga in all its glory.
At the film's premiere in Los Angeles, Alvarez echoed Scott's words when he addressed the audience: “Enjoy the movie. I hope I didn't screw it up!” Alien: Romulus will hit theaters around the world on August 15, 2024.
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