Although the anime industry continues with highly anticipated adaptations, the manga industry is not far behind. After the enormous success of the work, Shuumatsu no Valkyrie has confirmed that this summer its universe will expand with an interesting spin-off.
According to MangaMogura, a Twitter account that compiles the most important news from Japanese manga magazines, the manga will be published on June 24 in Comic Zenon magazine. Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Kinden – Kamigami no Apocalypse.
This spin-off will be the first of the franchise and will focus on the point of view of the gods in the confrontation known as Ragnarök, allowing us to get to know more closely the characters of the Congress of Valhalla who, although they do not participate, carefully observe this millennial event.
Furthermore, it seems that this will not be the only spin-off related to this successful manga, since in recent months the possibility of seeing solo stories of some participants in the event, such as Hercules or Jack the Ripper, has also been rumored.
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